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Second Level Degree in Mathematics

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Roberto Monti

Scheduled Period

I Year - 2 Semester | 02/03/2020 - 12/06/2020

Hours: 64 (32 esercitazione, 32 lezione)

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The Analysis 1 and 2 and the Real Analysis courses

Target skills and knowledge

The classical formalism of the calculus of variations in its hystorical development, with applications and motivations to geometry and physics. The development of the modern theory of the calculus of variations in the setting of Sobolev spaces.

Examination methods

Homeworks and oral exam

Assessment criteria

The teacher will ascertain the student's proficiency in the course's main subjects

Course contents

Introduction to the classical formalism of the Calculus of Variations: indirect methods, first variation, Euler-Lagrange equations, applications.
First direct methods, working in spaces of Lipschitz functions, via a priori gradient estimates.
Modern direct methods: introduction to Sobolev spaces and their use in minimization problems. Tonelli's theorem and the XX problem of Hilbert.
Introduction to currents.
Introduction to optimal transportation
Plateau problem

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Blackboard lessons

Additional notes about suggested reading

The reference material will be communicated during the course.

Textbooks (and optional supplementary readings)

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