Home » Laurea Magistrale » Corsi » HOMOLOGY AND COHOMOLOGY

Laurea Magistrale in Matematica

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Bruno Chiarellotto


I Anno - 2 Semestre | 28/02/2022 - 11/06/2022

Ore: 48 (48 lezione)

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Ci si aspetta che lo studente abbia gia' visto la possibilita' di associare degli invarianti a spazi topologici (gruppo fondamentale..). Basic commutative algebra.

Conoscenze e abilità da acquisire

The student should understand the meaning of invariants for a topological space

Modalità di esame

taylored on the basis of the students attitudes: written and homeworks during the semester.

Criteri di valutazione

some new techniques will be introduced: we expect the student shows how to master them.


Starting from the basic definition of the algebraic topology we will introduce the definition of homology and cohomology for a topological space. Singular, simplicial, cellular, relative, excisin, mayer-vietoris. Tor and Ext: universal coefficients theorem. Cup and cap product: teh ring structure on the cohomology of a projective space and some other particular topological spaces. Eventually Poincare' duality.

Attività di apprendimento previste e metodologie di insegnamento

in class and homeworks.

Eventuali indicazioni sui materiali di studio

we will indicate them during the class: as part of books or/and notes.

J.Rotman "Introduction to algebraic topology" Springer
A. Hatcher "Algebraic Topology"

Testi di riferimento

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