Home » Second Level Degree » Courses » HOMOLOGY AND COHOMOLOGY

Second Level Degree in Mathematics

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Bruno Chiarellotto

Scheduled Period

I Year - 2 Semester | 28/02/2022 - 11/06/2022

Hours: 48 (48 lezione)

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we expect the student knows that it is possible to associate some invariants (fundamental group..), basic commutative algebra.

Target skills and knowledge

The student should understand the meaning of invariants for a topological space

Examination methods

taylored on the basis of the students attitudes: written and homeworks during the semester.

Assessment criteria

some new techniques will be introduced: we expect the student shows how to master them.

Course contents

Starting from the basic definition of the algebraic topology we will introduce the definition of homology and cohomology for a topological space. Singular, simplicial, cellular, relative, excisin, mayer-vietoris. Tor and Ext: universal coefficients theorem. Cup and cap product: teh ring structure on the cohomology of a projective space and some other particular topological spaces. Eventually Poincare' duality.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

in class and homeworks

Additional notes about suggested reading

we will indicate them during the class: as part of books or/and notes.

J.Rotman "Introduction to algebraic topology" Springer
A. Hatcher "Algebraic Topology"

Textbooks (and optional supplementary readings)

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