Master’s Degree

The best way to finalize your path

In this page, you find information on the master thesis.

Master Thesis

Students in the Mathematics Degree Program complete their studies by preparing a written thesis worth 36 CFU/ECTS (academic credits), supervised by a professor (advisor). The discussions of these theses take place a few days before the official graduation date, in front of a committee of professors from fields related to the thesis topics. The official graduation date is the day of the proclamation, an official ceremony where a final committee, after deciding the candidates’ grades, proceeds to the proclamation of the new Doctors in Mathematics.

General information about the procedures to follow for graduating from the University of Padua and the deadlines for submitting applications are available on the University’s website.



It is possible to search for submitted theses by students through this search form.

*for example, if the proclamation is on the 20th, you need to upload the thesis by 23:59 on the 12th of the same month (8 days before)

Rules for the final exam (thesis) & grading system ▾

  1. The final exam involves preparing a written report under the guidance of an Advisor. This report can consist of a discussion on a theoretical topic, the solution of a specific problem, the description of a work project, or an experience carried out in a company, laboratory, school, etc. The report can also be written in English. The written report, signed by the Advisor, must be delivered to the Chair of the final exam committee at the time of the discussion. The report itself, or an almost final version of it, must be sent in digital form to the members of the final exam committee at least one week before the scheduled discussion date.

  2. The discussion of the aforementioned report will take place with a final exam committee appointed by the Director of the Department of Mathematics upon the proposal of the Educational Committee of the Mathematics CCS, which also proposes a Chair for the final exam committee. The committee will consist of at least three faculty members, one of whom will be the Advisor or their delegate. Each final exam committee can evaluate multiple students based on the content of their presented work.

  3. The final exams are conducted during the 30 days preceding the graduation date of that session, with appropriate notification given, and are open to the public, particularly to students and faculty of the Mathematics Degree Program.

  4. The final exam committee assigns each student a grade out of 110 for the final exam, decided by the Advisor, and a proposed increase in tenths between -1 (minus one) and 4 (four), decided by the rest of the committee. The Chair of the final exam committee sends a report, signed by all committee members, to the Chair of the Master’s Degree Committee, indicating for each student a brief evaluation, the grade assigned for the final exam, and the proposed increase for the final exam.

  5. The Master’s Degree Committee, which is the same for all students of that graduation session, is appointed by the Director of the Department of Mathematics upon the proposal of the Educational Committee of the Mathematics CCS, which also proposes a Chair for the Master’s Degree Committee. The committee primarily includes the Chairs of the final exam committees for that graduation session. The Master’s Degree Committee must consist of at least five faculty members and may coincide with the Bachelor’s Degree Committee.

  6. The Master’s Degree Committee determines the final score for each student by summing the weighted average of the grades of the exams in the study plan, expressed in tenths and multiplied by 0.8, with the grade of the final exam multiplied by 0.2, and with:

    1. an increase between -1 (minus one) and 4 (four) tenths due to the final exam, considering the proposal of the final exam committee;
    2. an increase between 0 (zero) and 3 (three) tenths assigned as follows: a) one point for those graduating by December of the second year; b) up to one point assigned based on other relevant elements of the curriculum, particularly exams taken at foreign universities, honors obtained, and publications; c) up to one point for exceptional contributions of the thesis, with a favorable vote of all but at most one member of the committee. The presence of such contributions must be explicitly noted in the minutes related to the thesis presentation. Except for what is contained in point c) above, these increases are decided by the majority of the final exam committee, with the Chair’s vote prevailing in case of a tie.
  7. Any exceptions to the above provisions may be requested by the Advisor and must be approved by the Mathematics CCS upon the proposal of the CCS Chair, after consulting the Educational Committee of the CCS.

  8. If the final score is 110, the final exam committee may award honors, with a positive opinion from the majority of the final exam committee, with the Chair’s vote prevailing in case of a tie.

  9. The Master’s Degree Committee proceeds with the proclamation of the new Master’s graduates in Mathematics in an official ceremony. The Chair of the Master’s Degree Committee provides each graduate with a statement of the title obtained, completes the necessary documents, and forwards them to the competent University Authorities.

  10. These regulations apply from the July 2017 graduation session and can be modified by the Mathematics CCS with a favorable vote of the majority of those present, upon the proposal of the CCS Chair or at least one-third of the CCS members. Such changes must be submitted for approval to the Department of Mathematics.


Proclamation Day*  — Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree 

2025: February 21 — April 11 — July 25 — September 19 — December 12

detailed schedule >>


(*) The thesis discussion takes place a few days before the proclamation.